Scripture: Psalm 95
Opposite of the theology of dwelling is the theology of seeking. The spirituality of seeking emphasizes God's immanence. No longer are there sharp boundaries between the sacred and the secular. Equality triumphs hierarchy. The Pope's recent comments on the use of Twitter illustrates the theology of seeking, "Ultimately, this constant flow of questions demonstrates the restlessness of human beings, ceaselessly searching for truths, of greater or lesser import, that can offer meaning and hope to their lives."
The spirituality of seeking is a Tabernacle religion. Tabernacle religion is characterized by words like journey and quest. It is more about the questions than the destination. God's presence is no longer as localized and in fact can be ubiquitous. As the Psalmist declared, "In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and the dry land, which his hands have formed. " Remember Jesus' adage in the Great Commission: "I am with you always" Matthew 28:20.
In a spirituality of seeking, no longer is there a clear top down order to confer authority and roles. Negatively this leaves individuals the burden to create their identities. In our age of consumerism we can refashion our identity based on whims and by simply changing clothes to fit a particular lifestyle. It is no wonder people say they're not sure who they are or that they must "find themselves." Additionally problematic is the focus on quests and questions. Can't quests end with devastating consequences? Can't we ask the wrong sorts of questions? Quests seek a destination and questions an answer that the spirituality of seeking can't always provide.
The positive and opportunity of the spirituality of seeking, however, is that it gives more responsibility and freedom to individuals in their spirituality. We have to work to understand what and why we believe. With such personal investment we can integrate better who's we are and what then we are to do, whether on twitter or in our workplace.
Which do you identify with more? Spirituality of dwelling or seeking?
What are the positives and negatives of each?
What is the destination of Christianity?
Where are your questions leading you?
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