Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Scripture: Leviticus 11:44-45; Matthew 5:48; 1 Peter 1:16
"Who am I?" A question someone recently asked on her Facebook status. It is a common question in modern America and a particular interest of mine. How we define our identity is important not only to who we feel that we are but also helps give direction to our lives. So if you were asked who you were, how would you respond? If you're like most Americans you probably are unsure where to begin.
With that in mind here is some help. You can define your identity by looking at yourself across three levels or spheres: Cosmological, Metaphysical, Social.
Most people narrowly define their identities by focusing on the Social level: which is the network of our family relationships, career, and other relationships (wife, mother, daughter, home-maker, etc.). The Cosmological level is the level of truth (or God). The Metaphysical level is the level of values (those things you stand for) that are in derived from the Cosmological level. So begin with the Cosmological level (who God is) and work your way down (If God is holy and just, what might that mean about what you value, etc.). You will have a fairly well worked out identity.
Who are you?
What insights did this exercise give you?


  1. Whete should I start? What should I read so I can find out who god is so I can figure out who I am?
    How do I start this journey?

  2. Jennifer,
    This might sound too simplistic, but start with the Bible. Christians believe that God has revealed Himself uniquely in Jesus Christ and through the covenant community of His people witnessed to in the Old and New Testaments. When I get back from school we can talk about you or you and James doing Disciple with help of a new personal study guide. In my opinion, that's the best place to start. You're asking the right questions!
