Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mosaic Movement

"On our own we are little more than bits of stone and glass. Together we are the body of Christ." Mosaic Holy Bible. That quote very much sums up the Mosaic movement. This modern movemnt is very often urban and multi-cultural and also post-institutional, including one version who offers hip-hop services. Within this movement is a deep suspicion of modernity, authority, and pat answers (much like we saw with the emerging movement). The emphasis within the Mosaic movement is not on creating programs to meet needs of the current congregation but involving members in ministry within the local community. They have a strong desire for the upcoming generation and the focus of Mosaic communities usually are significantly involved in local and global missions. Their ways of doing community raise many questions (not so much answers) about what it means to be a follower of Christ and the nature of the Church.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:13-27
Where does this movement challenge your notion of church? Where might it fall short?
What is Paul getting at by using the metaphor of a single body to a church sharply divided? What does it say about diversity? What does it say about unity? What might it suggests about leadership?
If you were to put your gifts in terms of a body part, which one would you be?
How can you best grow your gifts for ministry? What would the church look like if all contributed their gifts selflessly?

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